RealVNC Enterprise v4.3.2 Solaris 英文正式版(遠端控制軟體)
VNC(Virtual Network Computing,虛擬網路計算)最早是一套由英國劍橋大學AT&T實驗
室在2002年開發的輕量型的遠端控制電腦軟體,其採用了 GPL 授權條款,任何人都可免
費取得該軟體。VNC軟體主要由兩個部分組成:VNC server及VNC viewer。用戶需先將
VNC server安裝在被控端的電腦上後,才能在主控端執行 VNC viewer 控制被控端。
VNC server 與 VNC viewer 支援多種作業系統,如 windows,Linux,MacOS 及 Unix
系列(Unix,Solaris等),因此可將 VNC server 及 VNC viewer 分別安裝在不同的作
業系統中進行控制。RealVNC 的優越性還在於如果作業系統的主控端電腦沒有安裝
VNC viewer,也可以通過一般的網路瀏覽器(如 IE 等)來控制被控端(需要 Java 虛
整個 VNC 一般運行的工作流程如下:
(1) VNC 用戶端通過瀏覽器或 VNC Viewer 連接至 VNC Server。
(2) VNC Server 傳送一對話窗口至用戶端,要求輸入連接密碼(可能為空),以及存
取的 VNC Server 顯示裝置。
(3) 在用戶端輸入連接密碼後,VNC Server 驗證用戶端是否具有存取權限。
(4) 若是用戶端通過 VNC Server 的驗證,用戶端即要求 VNC Server 顯示桌面環境。
(5) 被控端將畫面顯示控制權交由 VNC Server 負責。
(6) VNC Server 將把被控端的桌面環境利用 VNC 通信協定送至用戶端,並且允許用
戶端控制 VNC Server 的桌面環境及輸入裝置。
VNC Enterprise Edition is an enhanced version of the
industry-standard VNC, developed for use in
corporate environments and across the Internet.
Designed and built from the ground up by the
original inventors of VNC, Enterprise Edition
provides robust and easily-administered security
with a minimum of fuss.
The core Enterprise Edition features, common across
all supported platforms, are as follows.
* Integrated Session Security provides protection
from connection snooping, man-in-the-middle
attacks and packet-tampering attacks, to name but
a few.
* Server Authentication uses 2048-bit RSA keys to
verify identity.
* Viewer Authentication supports both usernames
and passwords of up to 256 characters each.
* Secure Communication with 128-bit AES-the
experts' choice for high performance
* Platform-Native Authentication removes the need
for separate VNC and system passwords. Users can
access their desktops using the same credentials
with which they log on to the system.
* One-Port HTTP & VNC allows VNC Server to serve
VNC Viewer for Java and VNC sessions through a
single TCP port, simplifying NAT and firewall
* Desktop Scaling to a particular size, by a
particular ratio, or dynamically to whatever size
you choose.
* Windows Firewall Integration, making VNC Server
more straightforward to deploy.
* Cross-Platform Interoperability with the other
members of the VNC Enterprise family.
* File Transfer allows you to copy files between
your server and viewer computers over the VNC
connection-no need for additional configuration.
RealVNC Enterprise v4.3.1 英文正式版(遠端控制軟體)
RealVNC Enterprise v4.5.4 英文正式版(遠端控制電腦軟體軟體)
RealVNC VNC Enterprise v5.2.0 英文正式版(遠程控制計算機軟體)
RealVNC Enterprise v4.6.3 英文正式版(遠端控制軟體)
RealVNC Enterprise v5.0.2 英文正式版(遠端控制軟體)
RealVNC Enterprise v5.2.2 含 Viewer Plus 英文企業版(跨平台系統遠端遙控軟體)
RealVNC Enterprise v4.4.1 英文正式版(虛擬網路計算軟體)